Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?
You think this is bashing VPI?
Calm down and reread my comments, you completely missed my point.

Obviously you do not understand as of yet why other table manufactures like Galibier, Teres, TW Acustics and others use the type of motors they do.
Including why they would never use rubber for drive belts.

You owners of Galibier and Teres, imagine swapping your motors and tape drive for one of VPIs motors and the rubber belts they use.
Or how about mounting your tonearm on a arm board made of MDF...
Regarding VPIs HRX and TW Acustics Raven One.
Both were side by side, both had the same cartridges and the same music was played.

The comparisons weren't even close.

Even with the Graham Phantom arm on the Raven, it sells for thousands less.

How much is the rim drive and super platter for the HRX?...Hmm

A year ago I almost bought an HRX.
If I did ,then learning what I know now about turntable motors, rubber drive ect. My comments sure would of been a lot different.

Like I said, VPI need to source some new motors and stop using belts made of rubber and thats a good place to start.

The extremely accurate motor speed control and motor used by Raven operates like a fine Swiss watch.

The moment you turn it on, the massive platter is up to speed within one revolution.

Beyond the absolutely flawless fit and finish, the table will play your favorite music like you never heard.

Before you spend thousands of dollars on a table made of MDF. Go to the web pages of Teres, Galibier and TW Acustics.

See for yourself whats available for a truly high end table at a reasonable cost.
Fine Swiss watches are pase... Twelve dollar watches keep better time, and don't need oiling and referishing. I think my Rolex sucks.
oh yes...stiltskin...I find that your listening to these fabulous turntables a/b ing with the same components ...a little far reaching to accept.
Stickman451...I'm using a VPI Superscoutmaster with a VPI 10.5i arm. The table has the heavy platter, the SDS of course, the mini-feet, no anti-skate, Benz LP cartridge with Anti-Cable balanced (XLR) output. I also have a Gingko dust cover which makes it all look like a museum piece and is the 1st thing people come over to look at more closely when I have visitors. It gets lots of oooo's and ahhhh's