Own a TW-Acustic Raven One?

Do you own a TW-Acustic Raven One? What are your impressions so far? What did it replace? How does it compare to the VPI tables; the Aries 3, SuperScoutMaster?
Fine Swiss watches are pase... Twelve dollar watches keep better time, and don't need oiling and referishing. I think my Rolex sucks.
oh yes...stiltskin...I find that your listening to these fabulous turntables a/b ing with the same components ...a little far reaching to accept.
Stickman451...I'm using a VPI Superscoutmaster with a VPI 10.5i arm. The table has the heavy platter, the SDS of course, the mini-feet, no anti-skate, Benz LP cartridge with Anti-Cable balanced (XLR) output. I also have a Gingko dust cover which makes it all look like a museum piece and is the 1st thing people come over to look at more closely when I have visitors. It gets lots of oooo's and ahhhh's

I am curious, did you compare the Superscoutmaster to the Aries 3? I think that the Superscoutmaster is a really good table; maybe better really than an Aries 3???