NAD 3020 a viable option for a quality system?

I'm on a budget, and my system has been evolving for a few years. I look for "overachieving" products; bang-for-the-buck is a big deal with me! What I don't want is to have any component which really compromises the rest of the system.
My current components:
Marantz CD-67 SE
Totem Mites (on quality stands)
Kimber Silver Streak
Kimber 4TC

I can get the "Legendary" NAD 3020 for under $100, but am wondering: Was this amp merely "good for 1980", or does it still challenge contemporary options like the current NAD's or Arcam Alpha 7R (which I can also get a good deal on).
My first quality audio system featured a 3020, I still have fond memories. Sold it to my brother, now I kinda wished I'd kept it. The 3020 represented value unlike anything I've stumbled across in audio gear (well, include the B&W DM302's in that category). I know you're on a budget, I just can't see how you could do better for the price. I often chuckle, seems most of the affordable stuff on the 'Gon is either tweaks or bulk wire, kudos for coming across a quality component for a reasonable price.
Guess I'm in the minority. I think the NAD 3020 and it's variations are a true quality product. Mine is 3020B (the 3020A differed in that it had a mono switch on the front and a a MC/MM phono switch on the back) and I have driven everything from Thiel 1.5's, Rogers 3/5A's, Spica's,. It's an excellent budget piece to build a budget system around. On ebay one for $100 would be a good deal. Most go for more.Audiophiles appear to be catching on to an underated piece of yesteryear. On any level of audio you can always do better. The system in my dedicated listening room consists of Quad ESL's/Kinergetic Subs, Berning amps,NYAL preamp. The one in the den is NAD 3020B,Harbeth P3's,Sonograph Turntable Beta Arum Cartridge,various other sources. Musically satisfying? You bet. If your on a budget you certainly can do better. But,the trick is, not do worse on the same budget! Remember, reveiwer's review, consumer's consume! Good luck!
No .. I agree with you trebleclef ... but you can do a lot better for not a lot more money (audiolab 8000A, Cyrus 2 spring to mind).