Preference for separate phono stages?

Yes, this is a heavily 'theoretical' topic and has (probably) been discussed here ad nauseum.

So, to get on with it: who feels that a single-chassis line/phono stage is a compromise? Do the advantages of a dedicated power supply mechanical and electromagnetic separation outweigh the disadvantage of another pair of interconnects?
there are excellent
internal phono stages that are well designed and that are difficult to beat with
external ones (for example Shindo and Vacuumstate preamps).
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Old AR pre-amps with phono are amazing (ie 6C). However, that is from the true old vinyl days. In the 80's & 90's most phono stages were just an afterthought. The phono stage in a cambridge 640 phono is way better than the internal phono stage on a $3000 sunfire IV pre/pro/tuner.
I do own a Shindo Monbrison - yes. Yes, I know it is possible to make a really excellent one-box line/phono unit, and in a small package at that!

It is, as I said, 'theoretical'. There are too many variables to make apples-to-apples comparisons. (I suppose you could do that if you took the same line/phono design and implemented it both as two-box/two-power-supply and one-box designs.)
the internal phono stage on my entry level Mac 6300 integrated is as good as my Graham Slee Era Gold external.