Teres Verus Rim Drive Motor with Pro-ject RM10

I'm thinking of buying a Teres Verus rim-drive motor, replacing my RM10's belt-drive motor and its SpeedBox SE controller. The Pro-ject has responded very well to the added isolation of an HRS M3 isolation base and a new Soundsmith "The Voice" (ebony) moving iron cartridge.

Has anyone tried this combination? If so, what were the results? Are there any issues that I should watch out for?

I don't have the Project, but I can tell you it's a substantial improvement on a VPI Scoutmaster.
I don't know about your isolation, but the motor should be on the same base as the table. I tried my Verus on a separate base from the Gingko the table was on, and it was obvious that wouldn't work.
Setting speeds can be a little tricky and the wording of the manual could be better, but you should be fine. Chris is very responsive to help too.
Jamnperry, thanks. I saw the excellent review elsewhere on A'gon and got the idea that zeroing the speed wasn't user friendly, BUT that's a seldom needed adjustment that I can live with checking periodically.

Thanks for the advice about the base. I've got Pro-ject's stock isolation base on top of an HRS M3 base, both of which have a large enough footprint for the Verus to lean against my platter on the same base.

The Verus should work well with the project if you really like DIY you could always upgrade the plinth as well maybe use slatedeck or maple steel aluminum sandwich as in the scoutmaster; costs would not be so bad and would really take this into a different league
We had no trouble setting the best speed during our Verus trial. It was straightforward and should rarely need readjustment.

I've heard the RM10 with the standard motor and Speedbox SE. I expect a Verus would provide a significant upgrade.
Dougdeacon, I see that you're still with the belt drive. Why didn't you go with the Versus?
