Dynavector DV 20X-L -- which MM will better it?

following some of these MM related threads, which MM will better DV 20X-L performance?

I know this cart and would say, it can have tight punchy bass (arm dependent), but is NOT up to the better LO-MCs in terms of treble resolution, or detailedness. Sounds like MM territory, or is this an insult?

On some German forms about older MMs, I read some very favourable comments about the Shure V15 with MR stylus...
Is that that best recommendation for this system, and would this compare with the 20X-L?

I did run a Shure V15 years ago, but am not sure it had an MR insert --- the rest of my rig was not what it is today :-) ha, ha.

I have gone back to MM cartridges after many years with MC. I find the good MM cartridges are more musical and the music just "flows" better. I agree that MC do have more detail, but I find, in my system, they tend to give up some "soul" of the music.

I have owned all of the Shure V15 series and still have a series 3 and the series 5. My favorite MM is the Grace F9E. Even in it's stock, original form it sounds better to me than any of the Shures, but with the SoundSmith $250 retip, it's the best MM I have ever heard.

I also have an Audio Techinca AT150ML that is very nice. I am currently listening to a Linn Adikt and find it very nice indeed. I think it deserves more praise than it gets.
My favorite MM is the Grace F9E. Even in it's stock, original form it sounds better to me than any of the Shures, but with the SoundSmith $250 retip, it's the best MM I have ever heard.

Mofi -- Was that with the ruby or non-ruby cantilever? I've had both (one F9 body plus one of each type of stylus/cantilever assembly) sitting in my closet for a long time, and I've been thinking of having the SoundSmith retip done to one of them.

Axel -- I'm currently using a Grado Reference Sonata, high output version ($500). I've been happy with it, and it has been well reviewed. As best as I can recall, its sound is not particularly dis-similar to the Grace, although there was a gap of some years between my use of the two cartridges, so I can't say too specifically. Be aware, though, if you are not, that Grado's are not well shielded, and will hum on some turntables.

-- Al
Hi Al,
you say:
>>>Grado Reference Sonata.... it has been well reviewed <<<
This little voice in the back of my mind tells me it was some (all?) Grado's that don't like doing sibilants so well.
My system is highly resolving and I have 'some' issues as it is using an MC right now.
Care to comment on this one please.

I had SoundSmith redo the regular, (non ruby) version, but it really doesn't matter because they replace the cantilever with a ruby one anyway. The F9 cartridge BODY is the same, just the stylus is different. You could send them either one of your styli.

I have owned all of the Grado wood body carts except for the Statement Statement and never warmed up to any of them. My problem was that they require a pretty long break-in period and I just could never get that far.
I've also got a Grado Reference Sonata and find it has some occasional problems tracking highly modulated inner grooves with my VPI JMW9 arm. Not a frequent problem, but it is annoying all the same. Admittedly, the Grado does have a very relaxed and beautiful sounding midrange. In contrast, the Garrot Optim FGS has a more linear character that doesn't make one aware of a particular frequency region standing out in comparison. It's upper midrange to treble is much more satisfactory to my ears, more linear and detailed. You're not going to think it's a top flight moving coil, but it sounds "right." Axel mentions siblilants as a problem, which was greatly helped in my set up with the addition of a small tweak. I ordered a sheet of part # vds-0040-e vibration damping sheet from smallparts.com and cut a pad to go between the cartridge body and headshell. I traced the outline of the headshell onto the pad, cut it out, & drilled mounting holes. It's a very thin .040" sheet that functions quite effectively to reduce vibrations in the cartridge body. Sibilants became much cleaner with every cartridge I've used it with.