Dynavector DV 20X-L -- which MM will better it?

following some of these MM related threads, which MM will better DV 20X-L performance?

I know this cart and would say, it can have tight punchy bass (arm dependent), but is NOT up to the better LO-MCs in terms of treble resolution, or detailedness. Sounds like MM territory, or is this an insult?

On some German forms about older MMs, I read some very favourable comments about the Shure V15 with MR stylus...
Is that that best recommendation for this system, and would this compare with the 20X-L?

I did run a Shure V15 years ago, but am not sure it had an MR insert --- the rest of my rig was not what it is today :-) ha, ha.

Listening to that P-77 is listening to the music, and no 'distraction' by this 'sound-thing' as you put it so well:
I'm tending to agree with you Axel.
I somehow find myself listening to the music and enjoying it with the Garrot P77 whilst with the MCs it always seems to be a matter of......"is that detail still there?".......or "is that the right quantity of bass?"
As to the other MMs available?........I think you're getting a few useful suggestions in your other posts, not to mention the King of MMs.....Raul!?

Hi All,
some more information of this history of A&R that seems to require a correction from my side.

A&R surprised everyone again in 1981 by introducing a range of phono cartridges offering exactly the same magic formula as the original A60 amp.
The £14.95 C77, £39.90 P77 and £69.00 P78 were A&R designed, Japanese built cartridges using interchangeable styli, making for an easy and inexpensive upgrade path. With medium (6g) mass and a characteristically rich and powerful sound they worked happily in budget and high end tonearms alike.
The C77 featured a standard spherical stylus on an aluminium cantilever, ***the P77 a Weinz Paroc (parabolic oval cone)*** and the P78 added a Boron cantilever. All cartridges became instant hits and the C77 and P77 went on to sell in vast quantities, being joined by a mid range E77 brother and finally gaining a solid Magnesium body in place of the flimsy standard plastic item.

Now that's when Garrott Bros. seems to have come into the game with their 'tweaked' version of the P77, I guess, or? So what I have is a straight forward A&R P77, period.
Lucky who has that as a Garrott version I think.

Interestingly that "P78 added a Boron cantilever" that sounds like the/a Garrott 'tweak' ?!
Can anyone add to this at all?
It still seems that the Garrott P77 seems to be after all this time one of THE MMs if you are looking for a top MM, so far my investigation goes.

Raul, HELP! Have you at all listened to the A&R P77 as compared to the Garrott P77?

Last point: is it true, in listening experience, that the current Garrott offering(s) are somewhat of a 'different' quality?

Dear Axel: I never heard the A&R. Halcro already confirm what was my thought about: that both cartridges are similar but with different quality performance, how different? I can't say it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Raul,
can you tell me perhaps about the Garrott P77's cantilever material (alu-tube or boron?) and stylus (micro-line, or parabolic, elliptical?) then I'll get some idea.

I had to put a Dorian in my system (for O'scope is measurements, it measures and performs rather well) my PW going back to the factory...
Now it's that 'sound-thing' all over again. I love the detail and resolution B U T something just does not come together --- and with classical I can hear it's sound lacks 'richness', short of calling it anaemic. That is with a 1k loading AND the addition of 10nF to chill-out the treble. It measures very flat and rather nice close to spec though, maybe I must measure an MM some time...

What load capacitors (polystyrene, ceramic, silver-mica) do you recommend for 300pF - 500pF as recommended to be used with a V15?

Have you any idea about Garrott's current 'Optim' with either Shibata or an FGS (Fritz Gyger Special?

I had a couple of 20XH's but a long time ago. I'd look at SoundSmith for a MM/MI alternative. I don't know that you'll find anything better than the 20X, most likely just different. I think the SoundSmith is different than the 20X in the way you want though. Its more detailed I think based on what I can recall of the general characteristic differences of the 20X and what I'm hearing today. But the gap in time is long and the old system is long gone and was quite different than what I have today.