Dynavector DV 20X-L -- which MM will better it?

following some of these MM related threads, which MM will better DV 20X-L performance?

I know this cart and would say, it can have tight punchy bass (arm dependent), but is NOT up to the better LO-MCs in terms of treble resolution, or detailedness. Sounds like MM territory, or is this an insult?

On some German forms about older MMs, I read some very favourable comments about the Shure V15 with MR stylus...
Is that that best recommendation for this system, and would this compare with the 20X-L?

I did run a Shure V15 years ago, but am not sure it had an MR insert --- the rest of my rig was not what it is today :-) ha, ha.

Dear Axel: You can read in " my system " with which MC cartridges I compare the MM ones in my own system.

Regards and enjoy the music.

Dear Axel: ++++ " It uses 1k loading " +++++

due to my Orpheus experiences IMHO if you don't like it loaded at 100 Ohms then there is something wrong ( maybe this is not the right word because you like it at that load. ) in your system or your ears. This cartridge does not needs any " help " on the highs ( the same for the PW. )

Of course that that " stage " confirm that different system/person has/likes different quality performance.

Reading many of your posts elsewhere it is almost clear for me that your " perception " of the music through your system is really different from mine.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Axel: Other cartridges than the Orpheus that I already know: ZYX Universe, Artight PC-1, Koetsu Jade, SS Straing Gauge, Lyra Titan and Titan i, Lyra Olympos, your PW, Etc.

I have on hand/testing the Pc-1 Supreme and the Coral ( borrowed by friends ).

Regards and enjoy the music.
Oh! yes, the Transi Temper, Lyra Skala, Audio Note IO and Dyna XX-2 and Te Kaitora.


Hi Raul,
now that is what I should call VERY GOOD news!
Since we finished O'scope testing of that Orpheus (it's just a bit down on cross-talk rest is on spec.) I'm back to normalcy... also my PW is packed to be returned to the supplier.
So, right now I'm back to the MM side of things, and your cross check to all those high-fly MCs sounds just what was needed right now :-)
We did not 'bother' (time and all) to measure the Shure V15 III and I'm going to put this one in just now.
It seems a bit on the lean side, compared to the A&R P-77 but I'll go down with the VTA which might help... It sounds definitely less rolled-off than the P-77, not that this was so bad, but still.

I know you mentioned some 4 MM carts to me, but is this the 'best' for ~ 600$?
I'm still not so sure that was the intend, since I'd asked for good 47k performers. -- Please kindly confirm.
Nagaoka M500 is still available new on the web for instance.

We also had quite a lengthy discussion about your MM findings and actually came up with some sort of explanation.
It could well be that even an earlier, but more gentle, treble roll-off of an MM could explain it sounding more 'natural' all in all, when compared to the extended treble capability of MCs -- BUT once at ~ 20kHz they're sort of falling of a cliff.
This very type of behaviour is also the cause for a less 'natural' tweeter behaviour as it seems to mess more with the phase of the music signal!

So please confirm that your list of 4 mentioned MMs is were I should go fishing for, to overcome my Orpheus with-drawl symptoms.

Many thanks,