Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?

O.K. here is one for all the physics majors and engineers.

Does a high mass platter being belt driven offer the same steady inertia/speed as a direct drive or idler drive?
Is the lack of torque in the belt drive motor compensated for by the high mass platter. Object in motion stays in motion etc. Or are there other factors to take into consideration?
I am considering building up a Garrard 301 or Technics SP10, but is it all nonsense about the advantage of torque.
I am aware that the plinths on these tables can make a huge difference, I've got that covered.
My other options would be SME20 or Basis 2500 of Kuzma Stogi Reference etc.
If I have misstated some technical word, please avert your eyes. I don't want a lecture on semantics, I think everyone knows what I mean.
Thanks in advance.
08-03-09: Atmasphere
Axel, I regard differences in dynamics as a coloration, just like tonality and soundstage. All are **definitely** aspects of platter pad vinyl resonance control (or lack thereof).

Do you not separate the drive system of a table from the damping or lack of damping of the platter? I definitely hear differences in drive systems.

Several reputable companies have done experiments where identical systems and platters (a VPI) were driven with belt drive and then rim drive. I also read about auditions with a direct drive Teres versus belt drive Teres. Both have been discussed here at Audiogon.

I remember the designers as well as listeners saying there were repeatable and conclusive results based only on drive system, even though table, platter and mat remained the same.

Maybe some Teres or VPI guys who participated in this will chime in.
Maybe some Teres or VPI guys who participated in this will chime in.

I'm not a "Teres or VPI guy" but I play one on TV, and I already chimed in above on that very topic. Peter used to be a Teres guy and he heard that demo too. As you know, he's been replaced his Teres and has become one of those Technics Guys. Or is it, once a Teres guy, always a Teres guy? Or maybe once you've had Technics you can't ever go back?
thanks for at least questioning, that dynamics are not quite the same a colouration.
I yet have to hear a system sounding more on-the-point/dynamic as is with a 'harder' connected drive, by simply using a different platter or platter-mat.
That's wishful thinking to me.
It can sound 'cleaner' and may leave this impression? But lack of 'slam' and 'drive' is more related to the drive then a platter-mat, in my current experience.
"But lack of 'slam' and 'drive' is more related to the drive then a platter-mat, in my current experience."

Totally agree.

I can't seem to understand how a platter mat can improve dynamics, slam, and "drive". No matter what mat I put on my Empire or other belt-drive systems, it aint sounding like my Technics SP10. I have smoother sounding DD tables than the Technics but none can surpass the bass dynamic and slam of the SP10 due its powerful motor. I also played with an idler table with an Ashland motor and it has huge dynamic. Again, the motor. From my experience is that small motor small dynamic and if it's a belt-drive even worse, the Nottingham is one example. I do believe changing mats can change the sound and the extra mass sometimes helps smoother rotation but the sonic benefit, if any, is more of a tonal one and signal to noise issue. Again, that's just my current experience. I would love to try some TTWeight mats.

I am, I guess, a "Technics guy" for 20 years. Briefly, I circumstantially became an Empire guy. I missed direct-drive so now I am back to be a Technics guy again, with a vengeance and end up with dozen other direct-drive tables. It's been fun.