How effective is the Onzow Zerodust?

Has anyone had good results with the Onzow Zerodust? Is it as effective at cleaning the stylus as liquid products?
Zero-dust is good for taking schmutz off the stylus, but its not a substitute for a good periodic wet cleaning.
My 2 bits :Careful use of the ME should be mandatory. No other stylus cleaning regimen comes even remotely close.IMHO the Zero is a useful adjunct to a ME based routine. I use the ME for every play and occasionally the Zero. What the Zero does is remove micro strands that otherwise remain. On a standalone basis would not recommend the Zero, YMMV. A small LED torch and a 10x glass are more than useful for gauging stylus cleanliness.
Go with Magic Eraser. It really works great. I strongly recommend adhering it to a coin(for weight and convenience)and lowering the arm into it a couple of times. Vs. the method mounted on a toothpick, it seems less likely to do any damage. Cheers,
