How effective is the Onzow Zerodust?

Has anyone had good results with the Onzow Zerodust? Is it as effective at cleaning the stylus as liquid products?
Go with Magic Eraser. It really works great. I strongly recommend adhering it to a coin(for weight and convenience)and lowering the arm into it a couple of times. Vs. the method mounted on a toothpick, it seems less likely to do any damage. Cheers,

T_Bone, yes
It is the best and absolutely safe from handling and for the needle.
Wow - thanks you guys!!! I was reading this thread, thinking about the Onzow. I thought Magic Eraser was some kind of audiophile tweak like tube dampers, until I googled it. Obviously, I don't do the cleaning in my house! A $2.79 household cleaning product that makes my stylus sparkle? Holy clean-stylus, Batman! I followed the coin-method and, using a magnifying mirror, my Ortofon OM-30 Super stylus looks totally clean after a few dunks in the ME. I can't thank T_bone and everyone else on this thread enough. You guys rock!