Cartridge Suggestions for a Black Widow Tonearm

I have a TT with a BW tonearm (low compliance) and want to get a good cartridge for it, preferably a MC. However based on what I have seen I should look to get a cartridge that is high compliance, something that is > 20UM/MN or 20-25 - 10-6power. The only ones that I see that are close are some of the Grado's and Ortofon 2m's neither of which are MC. If I can go down to a mid compliance cartridge some additional choices open up but not sure if they will work to their optimum... suggestions
Back in the day BWs were often paired with ADC XLMs or the top of the line plastic body Grado cartridges (Signatures). The BW could track these with minimum stylus wobble.

The 'Denon 103 of some designation' was probably a 103D with an elliptical stylus - a very popular MC back then. This cartridge was reported to sound much better than the 103 with conical stylus.
Dear firends: Btw, the compliance is not the only factor to take in count but the cartridge weight too.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Its good to see that others (Raul who I trust) feel it best to experiment as well. I was afraid of the compliance Police, and that I'd get a ticket for non-matching!

I will add that I do have to disagree with the above poster who believes that mid/low complinace cartridges will lose micro dynamics on a low mass arm. Just not so on the BW in my opinion when comparing to the Walker Audio arm or DV-505 (my two highest mass arms).

I remember we use to ponder this (argue) on the old list. Boy, those were the days.

My best,

Thanks to all of you for your imputs, you all prove that this is a great community of people that are willing to share and help others!!! I especially would like to thank Nsgarch for directing me to that cartridges website, that is really a helpful site.