New ASR Basis Exclusive 2010

Just received my new Basis Exclusive 2010. Wow is all I can say. Third time is a charm. The previous two versions were world class so it's hard to see how it could be improved but yes it's an improvement. Still running balanced inputs but tempted to run single ended into the new WBT RCAs now available.

Will most additional impressions after a few more days of run in.
If the Basis contains a true balanced circuit internally, which I believe to be the case, why would you even want to mess with the RCA inputs? WBTs or no WBTs, you would be/will be robbing yourself of some of the magic you are now happy with. The WBT-type RCA inputs are no doubt put there for the benefit of those who run such cables from tonearm to preamp and are reluctant to change to balanced mode.
You may be right. I'm very happy with the balanced inputs which I believe are high quality Neutrik AG inputs.
I plan to order ASR Basis Exclusive 2010 soon to replace my Mini Basis. My dealer told me that there are 3 options, the standard model, one with new copper WBT plugs or WBT silver plugs. Silver WBT version is around $US500-600 more than standard version. Which version did you get?
Right now I am running RCA cable between TT to SUT to phono but will see if I will use SUT with the new phono or not.
The ASR Basis E. is one of the three phono stages that I own. My top piece. I have a friend who owns the new 2010, and from what I have heard (in his system which I am as familiar with as my own), I will stay with mine. I see no justification to upgrade.
Also (pardon me for not including this bedore), I have extensively utilized both the RCA and XLR connections. I like both very much for different reasons. I find no audible difference beween the two. In this particualr case FWIW.