Technics SP-10 Tonearm Pod instead of Plinth/Base

Trawling through the Audiogon forums for information on a suitable Plinth for a Technics SP-10, I came across a post by Raul.
Instead of putting the SP-10 in a plinth, he just put the TT on three feet and then had constructed a separate base that only housed the tonearm. (I haven't seen a pic of this BTW)
Following on from Raul's 'Thinking outside the square' approach, I thought I might be able to buy, or have made, a stand-alone 'pod' or rectangular tonearm plinth that could sit along side the SP-10. Has anyone seen something like this that I could buy 'off-the-shelf'?
The advantage of this is that the tonearm is decoupled from the TT and therefore distanced from any vibrations generated by the TT.
A down side is getting the right geometry for the tonearm in relation to the distance from the spindle; and then keeping the pod in the right spot.
If this is all too hard, I might still go with a plinth. I notice an E-Bay seller in Taiwan is offering a Teak plinth cut for the SP-10. Anyone bought one of those?
All comments welcomed!
DSA, as for the layered plinth I made that my first choice of options that are out there. I think solving a problem seems to always create another one. With that said I have thus far made audio choices based on what someone had to say about the particular component and how it would work with the rest of my system. Now I have made a choice to test and see how it works and if I like it I will continue to use it or if I don't like it then I will take a look at other options. I urge you to do it your way just to see if it works for you.
This is yet another of those "to each his own" audio discussions. We can be comfortable knowing we are all in the right. Have fun. If any one of us besides Raul tries it both ways, please report back on your preference.
I forgot to mention my third option for a plinth- Marble. The Japanese seem to think that this is the best material for a direct-drive TT plinth. Slate is another, but marble is easier to come by and preferred by many.
Has anyone tried a marble plinth?
Dear Dsa: I try and I have two heavy ( 40-50 kg ) lovely Marble ( green. ) and Onyx ( beige. ) plinths that I used with my Denon's ( DP-80/75. ).

Looks great but I can't say in this precise moment how good against my no plinth approach.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I don't have any idea why it might be so, but I have had negative reports on marble as a material for plinths. You can say it rings when you tap it, as does granite, but I have never understood how/why that should be the determining factor. I would stick with slate or wood. The Japanese have virtually no access to slate, which is why some of them may use marble, but I must say also that I have never seen a marble plinth in any of my several trips to Japan, during which I haunt audio stores.