Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?

further impressions of the Technics SP-10 Mk3--Reed 'L' 12" with the A90......as compared to the Garrard--Triplaner--A90. about 6-7 hours. dialed in more, running 2.27 grams and slightly up in the rear.

the Technics/Reed has a wonderful tonality, energy and spaciousness that the Garrard cannot match (although the Garrard-Triplaner is no slouch in these areas). as i mentioned, the music has a tension and sense of live-ness that leaps from the grooves. unlike the Garrard-Triplaner, there is no 'added' rounded pulse to the bass, but the bass is quite a bit more impactful and has more 'pop' and 'jump'. the noise floor is lower and so there is more detail and ambient retreival.

the Garrard still has it's own sexiness which is different; but i think the Garrard with a Reed/A90 might be quite the deal.....adding the greater tonality and spaciousness of the Reed (or is that the Technics?) to the Garrard attributes.

i wonder how much difference Steve Dobbin's new platter for the Garrard might make in this comparison?

not to be missed; the growl of a cello on the Technics-Reed-A90. i'm listening to a DG Mozart string quartet as i type and the tonality is wonderful. sweet, vibrant, and almost glowing. the cello really resonates and decays like it's in the room.
Dear Mike, Do you really think that the differences you hear are mostly due to the tonearm/turntable interaction (consistent with your statement that mounting the Reed on your Garrard might give you the best of both worlds). I am kind of biased toward the view that the tonearm/cartridge interaction is dominant, so it may be that the Reed is just a better ride for the A90. Probably the lower noise floor you perceive with the Mk3 vs the Garrard IS due to the inherently more quiet operation of the Mk3, however.

At a lower level, I am trying to figure out words to describe the differences between my own SP10 MK2A in a natural slate plinth of my design and my Lenco remounted on a PTP in its own natural slate plinth. The Lenco is really dead quiet, so I cannot say I hear much difference in terms of noise. I need to swap the tonearms back and forth to get a better bead on what is happening. In my case, I do not have the same cartridge mounted on both tables, either. What is remarkable is how much the two tables sound alike (in a very good way), once mounted in slate. I have heard people say that the Mk2 is "sterile" sounding, especially lovers of idler-drive turntables, like Jean Nantais. I know what Jean meant by that remark, but in slate that quality disappears and the sound opens up and gets bigger and more lush. I can't wait to hear the Mk3.
Lew, the 12 inches of wood (cedar) in the Reed 'L' can only help the tonality. what i'm hearing reminds me of the Schroeder Ref SQ i had on the SP-10 Mk2, but with better dynamics. the Schroeder was probably a bit more lush (at the expense of some articulation) but the inner detail in the mids is similar.

as far as Reed/A90 interaction; i think that the Triplaner also works well with the A90; but the Triplaner is just not as exciting and involving an arm as the Reed. the Reed has more to say. from reading other feedback on the A90 i've not yet heard about a 'bad' A90 arm.

as far as the Technics SP-10 Mk2 being 'sterile'; my opinion is that comment says more ablout the context of the listener and their experience than anything objective about the tt. in my experience; the most involving gear reveals the most information correctly. my Dobbins/Terchnics SP-10 Mk2 with the Schroeder Ref SQ arm was anything but sterile. i really do not have any experience with any Lenco's so i can't comment on that.
Hi Guys,

For those of you who have & heard several high-end carts. Why do you think M.Fremer said it was a 'Game Changer'?

In what way did it change the game of sound, music, groove extractions etc or cartridge market?

Happy New Year. Seldom we see Audio Company celebrating 90th Anniversary.
Today's game changers are tomorrow's flavor of the month and yesterday's news.

Besides, the purchase price and bordeaux were undoubtedly excellent.