VPI Classic - Now you have one......

For all who have had the Classic for a while now...what's it like to live with and is it what you expected it to be or more/ less?
Oh I guess I've worded that reply wrong. I have't ordered any of the arms yet as I'm having to save up to purchase one. I just installed a Jelco 10.5" arm in the interim and so far it's pretty impressive for the money.
I don't have any finalised pricing on the VPI arms but from what I remember the Classic arm without VTA/Fly is about 2/3'rds cost of the 10.5I. I dont' think there is an increase in cost in using the classic armtube over the 10.5 armtube and that may include the valhalla wiring.
Remember you can adjust VTA on the classic arm as well, it's just a little more scary when trying it on the fly. The 10.5 is an easier method and offers better lockdown after adjustment. Personally I'd buy the 10.5I with the Classic armtube. Not so sure about the Nordost wiring upgrade.
You'll have to check with VPI for availability of this setup as the dealer may not be aware of the armtube differences.
Wonder if anybody compared VPI Classic to TNT V or HR-X? Read this review by Brian Bloom where he mentions ".. The amount of high frequency on the VPI was over the top—it almost sounded like white noise." Any body experience this?
Here is the link..
I took a look at the reveiw Sstalwar points us to and can't agree with the white noise, lack of drive, slowness or lack of liviness.
In my set up the sound is life-like when classical live recordings are played and to me that is a testament to a good table. Separation of instruments are one of the table's strong charecteristics among many such as deep bass.
I am not criticizing the reviewers choice in music, but for a reveiw I think it was irresponsible for not seeking out better recordings.
Wow, it sounds like Mr. Bloom is not a fan of VPI in the least. I got a sense he set off to dislike the table even before he started the review, from the tone of his narrative and numerous remarks that had nothing to do with the actual performance of the turntable. I also found his comment about "few and far between" positive reviews of the Classic rather disingenuous as the opposite seems to be the case. All I can say is wow.
I sent mine back. It was nice to look at but I found the sound too cold for my ears and I kept hearing a popping sound every time I turned the motor off. Also my high output Grados all hummed on it.

I used the money to get a nice vintage Thorens TD124 and Im very happy so far.