Seeking high quality lightweight head shells

In order to achieve the best performance from a cartridge, TT, arm and head shell all play an important role. I recently purchased the Sound Smith Ebony Voice MI cartridge. I'm planning to mount it on an SME 3012R tone arm. I understand given the cartridge parameters and its nominal 1 gram tracking, I need a good lightweight head shell. Can anyone direct me to a site or otherwise good source for a premium head shell? BTW, the cart is a medium compliance type. Your guidance is much appreciated.
After lots of trial and error, and many brands, I settled on the Orsonic AV-1 as my light headshell. I have two now, one black and one silver. Unfortunately, they have not been made in many moons and the only source would be e-bay. Good luck with the hunt.
I also use an Orsonic headshell, although it says Audioquest on it. It's likely the AV-1.
Here you go. I have no relationship with the seller and cannot speak for the transaction:

Good luck.