Whest ps.30r

Having owned both the Whest Ps .20 and .30r I am now ready to try another phono stage in the same price bracket. As much as I like the Whest for all it does well. ( soundstage;dynamics; incredible detail: and quiet) I find it to lack a certain amount of humaness for want of a better word. It has to my ears a definite transister sound to it. I am looking for something that has the same depth, detail;dynamics and quietness but with a touch more warmth. We can all quote and read reviews I am looking for answers with genuine personal experience. Thanks in advance
Based on my experience in the same price range you will have a hard time doing "better" than the PS30R. You may find "different" but not necessarily "better". I ran the PS30R against several phonostages (ARC PH5, Acoustat PH1, EAR 834) and found it to be far superior. While the ARC did sound more "tubelike" to a small degree (i.e. a touch more spacious and warmer), I do not find (in my system) that the Whest sounds at all "cool" or "transistory". In fact, the reason I ended up going with the Whest was that it had all the "depth, detail, dynamics and quietness" I wanted (plus adjustability) AND was musically warm and inviting to boot. Perhaps there are other elements in your system that account for the sound you are attributing to the Whest?
Thanks for the reply Dodgealum. I have used the ps.30r for almost 3 years now on 3 dif vinyl set ups for sustained periods and as you am very happy with it. I am just looking for something as you say with perhaps a touch more tubelike sound in the midrange. Not looking for the golden glow and would not like to loose any of the Whest's considerable abilities either...I know its a tough call.
I tried a PS 0.3R last year and also found it was a bit dry sounding. It could be my system. I prefer the Manley Steelhead for about $3600 used. Great stage, dynamics, detail, and for sure not transistory. However, the Steelhead is not tubey at all. I think it is right in the middle between transistor and tube.
I am using the JLTI ( Vacuum State ) and found though it is Solid State it is slightly sweet...It is certainly not up to the Steelheads performance but quite good just the same.........
The Whest is cable sensitive... Change the interconnects and power cord and you'll have a completely different sound.
I have the PS.30RDT and it sounds quite a bit more dynamic and less laid back with the MAC HC power cord. Note that MAC also makes an "Ultimate Source" power cord, but the results I'm talking about will come from using the HC cord, which bested every other AC cord I tried with the Whest.

Then if you still miss tube sound, simply get a quality tube line stage.