Does 21g seem high for effective tonearm mass?

Hi there, I've been looking into these somewhat popular Jeclo tonearms. Actually the 10" liquid dampend unit SA-750e. I've got an email from Jelco and the effective mass is 21grams. Does this not seem shockingly high compared to nearly everything else on the market these days?
I plan to mount a Sumiko Celebration on it but I'm not so sure about the match. It seems this arm may be limited to cartridge choice and that would be too bad.
If anyone can shed some light on this it would be appreciated.
My other options for arms of course would be the Rega/moths, Hadcock and I can get a pretty good deal on a VPI classic arm.
This wasn't supposed to be confusing at all as I was taking a step away from my ET2 and trying to simplify my setup. Now it seems I've opened a can of worms
Mofimadness, you read it right 21Grams, and you should see some of the weights for the Ortofon arms!
Now that said I did do some calculating and it will work with my Sumiko, but I'm having a change of heart and leaning towards the VPI 10.5i or a used Audiocraft AC3000. They both have similar features except VTA on the Fly by VPI. Also the Classic is a nice choice.
Decisions decisions.
Another choice you may not have thought of, is Origin Live. They have arms priced over a fairly wide range.
I also emailed Jelco yesterday. I am about to buy the Jelco 750E. Their email to me said that the effective mass of the jelco is 13.26 grams.

13.26 Sounds right, 21g seemed a bit high considering the build of the arm.

Here is a cut paste of the email.

Thank you for your inquiry for SA-750E effective mass.
SA-750E effective mass is 13.26gr ( with headshell without cartridge)
Best regards,

Haruo Uchida/sales manager

[JELCO] Ichikawa Jewel Co.,Ltd.
21 grams is medium mass. It will work better than all those skinny-mini 10 gram arms, especially for low-compliance cartridges.

In general higher mass arms control the cartridge instead of the other way around - am I right, Raul ??
The Jelco headshell is a perfect candidate for the drill. A lot of mass can be removed without impacting the rigidity by drilling holes. I can't remember the drill pattern or how much mass was removed, but IIRC, there were a couple of people on vinylengine that pretty successful.