Dunlavy ?????

Hello to all,

I have read numerous Dunlavy threads and very Intersted in some more information before I could decide what model to look for, From what I have read
About John Dunlavy and his design sounds like even some super speakers today
might not compare,any and all information is important .
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I had a pair of sc III's and loved them;drove them with both tubes and solid state and they performed equally well with each.
My only negative was the bass could have been tighter and deeper but I think that was related closely to the 8 inch driver.
If you are looking at sc4 thru sc6 then I believe they will do a fantastic job with any type of music you throw at them.
The build quality is very good and I believe Dunlavy to be a speaker that can still compare with anything made today.
What model are you considering and what will you be driving them with?
If you read numerous Dunlavy threads you've likely seen some of my comments. They come from 19 years owning Duntech Princess speakers, following Duntech and then DAL over those years, and personal conversations with the man himself.

Where Duntech and DAL offered similar models (Princess and SC-IV/A for example) I consider the Duntech to offer a few advantages. John found ways to reduce costs with his DAL products with cabinet construction and driver choices. However the DALs I've heard (most of the line up) are still very good speakers, are more easily found, and apparently are slightly more efficient (since owners report success with smaller amps than I found appropriate for the Princesses).

Like any used gear condition will be everything. But prudent shopping can turn up wonderful musical performance for reasonable money. The biggest drawbacks will always be their size for most models.
I'm still using a pair of IVA's. Although I have been tempted to buy other speakers, which I may do sometime, I will probably keep the Dunlavys.

They are 6 ft tall and weigh 185lbs so you'll need some help hauling them around. There are always V's and VI's if you really need a workout. Try to find some near you if at all possible to save on shipping cost and headaches.

I would definitely try to find IVA's (originally around $8000) rather than IV's (originally around $4000) because they are so much more coherent, meaning the drivers integrate so much better IMO (I've owned both). Relatively good sensitivity (around 90 or 91 db) and 6ohm, although I could be wrong on this.