Anyone using a Lyra Delos yet?

There was an initial thread about the Lyra Delos a few months back, but I haven't seen much follow up about users' impressions with this cartridge. Is anyone using a Delos and if so, how are you liking it?

I'm looking for a new cartridge for my VPI Classic and JLTi phono stage. I'm currently using an old Grado cartridge from my previous turntable, and it's on its last legs. So if anyone has any other suggestions I'd love to hear them. Price ceiling about $1,500. System used mostly to play rock, jazz and acoustic music.

Thank you.
In my system, the only thing digital do better is noise.
Vinyl is better in every other aspect. The bass reproduction in analog chain is easily compromised: proper setup and acoustic feedback being most critical.
11-29-10: Paperw8
"from where you are getting your data on input capacitance? my whest manual provides no information on input capacitance. an input capacitance of 220pf sounds a bit high even for a moving magnet section."
James Henriot.

"Speaking of the whest manual, i will point out that there is an error in the chart that shows the latest (post 1 jan 09) load settings. the figure in the manual indicates that DIP switch position 4 selects a 1k ohm resistor, when in reality it is a 1.6k ohm resistor. if you look at the values indicated on the actual circuit board, it too indicates that this switch position is 1.6k ohm - the circuit board is correct and the manual is incorrect."
Useful info....

11-30-10: Moonglum

11-29-10: Paperw8
"from where you are getting your data on input capacitance? my whest manual provides no information on input capacitance. an input capacitance of 220pf sounds a bit high even for a moving magnet section."
James Henriot.

i checked this out and got the sense that mr. henriot did not measure the capacitance across the +/- leads at the input rca connectors.

but in any event, whatever capacitance value(s) you choose to use, the instructions that come with the lyra delos provide guidelines for how to set the input impedance at the phono stage. for what it's worth, if you tell the people at whest that you are using a lyra delos cartridge, they will typically configure the ps.30 for a load impedance value of 470 ohms.
Thanks for that Paperw8.....I'm currently using a load of 220 with the PS0.3r and it sounds pretty good even though I'm still running in the cart, but you've intrigued me so I will try something approaching the 470 setting.

12-03-10: Moonglum
Thanks for that Paperw8.....I'm currently using a load of 220 with the PS0.3r and it sounds pretty good even though I'm still running in the cart, but you've intrigued me so I will try something approaching the 470 setting.

you'll get better dynamics but i think that 470 ohms is a bit bright. i had previously been using an effective load impedance of about 363 ohms. i am currently using an effective load impedance of 455 about ohms but may go back to 363 ohms after a while.