Cart not parallel after Mint LP alignment?


So after reading about 1000 paragraphs on how good the Mint LP Tractor is - I purchased one and had a marathon session yesterday with my new SL-1210 M5G, AT440MLa and Zupreme headshell...

After all was said and done - the alignment itself took 90 hard minutes - I am finding the cartridge sitting about 5-7 degrees "right" of center. The actual cantilever and stylus are about as dead on as I wanna go with it for now.

Now a comment and a question....

Question: Is this non-parallel result in the headshell normal? It's making me think I may have a bent cantilever or something.

Comment: I have run 10-12 sides thru the rig so far and I must say - I have not yet heard the "revelation" that others have described when comparing their alignments to other protractors or even the white Technics alignment gauge. The rig sounds good...but...what I am missing here.

I must temper the above by saying I have changed phono stages frequently in the last month as well...I was getting nicely familiar with a Bellari VP-130 and then moved that for a Cambridge which lasted less than a week and I now have a Moon LP3 with maybe 25 hours on it...Even my AT440MLa might have 40-50 hours on it as well....

I am thinking that a whole bunch of stuff might need to "burn" in before the system starts to really reveal itself.

But I am very concerned with the stylus/cantilever on the cart...even with all the moves the Mint required...I expected the cartridge to sit straight in the headshell...perhaps expecting too much?

Appreciate any feedback.


Tvad, but if cantilever is straight and cartridge is parallel with the long axis of the headshell, then the cantilever is also parallel with the long axis of the headshell. "QED", as we used to have to say in geometry class. So, since your cartridge ended up slightly twisted wrt the headshell, we can conclude that Yip chose a geometry different from the one chosen by the maker of your tonearm. This is not to say Yip is "wrong" to do this. I am sure he knows more about this stuff than I do and has his reasons. The Technics geometry is said to be not so great (based only on internet scuttlebutt), so, if true, that is one good reason right there.
"Is your cart set up correctly according to the MintLP...the stylus hits both null points and the cantilever is parallel and centered between the MintLP's mirrored hash lines? If any of these are off, then the cart is not yet dialed in."


Well...the stylus tip is hitting the arc at the outermost possible point (off the platter) and the inner most point. Within this parameter - I am "eyeing" in the line with regards to the headshell...

However - the screws were giving me fits and once I got around to lining up the cantilever with the null points...I had to loosen the right screw and move the cart down to the right enough to get the cantilever to line up with the null points (when aligned via the parallax effect - I could clearly see two clear spaces on either side of the cantilever indicating a very good lineup.)

So that tells me one of three "line" cart-to-headshell was off to begin with and just got more "off" as I proceeded...or the Mint LP math by design causes the cart body to be off parallel...or the cantilever is bent ever so slightly.

I am thinking if the cantilever position is perfect and is 100% parallel to the body - then the body should line up perfectly. Yes? No?

I look forward to your update...


I am thinking if the cantilever position is perfect and is 100% parallel to the body - then the body should line up perfectly.
Vocalpoint (Threads | Answers)
Line up perfectly to what?
Lewm, I don't know if Yip uses geometry different than the Technics tonearm, but he required the model of my table the arm to generate the protractor.

In any case, whatever geometry he chose made no difference to me. The protractor worked exceptionally well in my system and the improvement in sound was not subtle.

As I mentioned, the cartridge body was not parallel to the Zupreme headshell.

I'm simply offering my observation without attempting to answer why things were as they were. I really have no interest in dissecting the reasons why because the results were so good.
"Line up perfectly to what?"

To the headshell - of course. If everything is 100% true on the cart - especially cantilever to body - I should not have to tilt the cart on the shell. When the cantilever is exactly set between the nullpoints - the straight front of the cart body should be parallel to the straight front on the headshell.

And that exactly how it is for me - right up until I have to set the cantilever to the null points. The cart body is 100% straight when I set the initial "effective length". Everything looks straight - until that cantilever lineup phase...then the cart must be tilted "toe-out" to the right.

Another possibility is the Zupreme headshell itself. Not sure what Yip calls standard but I assume when he designs his tractors...he is using the standard Technics headshell to scribe those lines into the glass...not some third party shell. Perhaps the length, width or something else is playing into it?

I have been meaning to get a backup stylus anyway - so I will probably just get another 440 stylus from LP Gear. Seems to be the cheapest route and the only way to have a guaranteed new 100% parallel start point.



Anyone comment on the "screw/nut" question...round nut or hexagon shape for best adjustment?