Brinkmann Bardo

I just replaced a Clearaudio Avantgarde Magnum with a Brinkmann Bardo. Both had the Phantom tonearm II.

Wondering if anyone else has bought this table and what their thoughts are?

My initial impressions are that it grabs your attention and does not let you wander off in thoughts as you listen to music. Maybe a little less open then the Clearaudio, but more grounded and solid as a result.
I definitely like it more than the Balance, which I found to be too "damped" and a bit boring to listen too.

I also felt that changing the arm to the Graham resulted in a more profound change and improvement to the character of the system than the table swap.
Dear Wjsamx, That has to be the most well controlled and precise comparison of two turntables that I have ever read about. If only audiophile publications would ever do as good a job. In the end, your opinion is subjective, but at least YOU know that the differences you heard must arise from differences in the two turntables.

Someone asked about the differences between the Bardo and the GP Monaco. The Monaco has an incredibly elaborate motor control system and uses a very expensive motor, but beyond that you probably can find the info on the GP website. One question would be whether the Monaco motor is coreless, etc. Obviously, the two tables differ in platter mass and construction and in overall mass. I would expect them to sound different.
I am considering the Bardo with the Granite base and the upgraded power supply. I am also considering the Sota Millenia with vacuum. Has anyone compared the two? do you have a preference?

thanks, Brian
Just caught this thread, and read with great interest. Kudos to all, especially the automobile/turntable analogy. Just wanted to comment, and perhaps revive this thread.
I went from a Bardo with 10" Brinkmann arm to a Kuzma Stabi with 4Point arm and the Kuzma set-up is more focused, detailed and has more weight! All in all a big win.