Why three motors?

Can someone enlighten me on the wisdom of having a three motor turntable like the TW Acustic with only ONE side of the belt touching the platter?

Here is an example.

I just don't get it...
Sorry - hit send too soon.

However I'm not certain that you would get adequate "gription" with either silk thread or taps in a 3 motor version. There's just not enough surface area on them for such a small contact area on the platter.
Sunnyboy, the footprint for TW short belt is 530 X 400mm. If from plint cones to motor, 500 X 400. You better double check your HRS first.
Mesael said:

*Before the TW I owned the one with ceramic magnetic bearing..... And what, TW sound way, way better,and I'm using the same tonearm, cart...*

Dear Mesael,

a) Could you clarify which 3 motor Clearaudio TT you have replaced with a TW?
b) Could you also share with us the tonearm and cartridge you have used in both?

Many thanks in advance
Dear Kostas,

What I have is CA Ambient with CMB bearing, and TW AC1, both have only one motor.

I'm using Moerch DP6 with CA Stradivari catridge. The switch of CA 33/45 malfunction, and have to send back to manufacturer. So I got TW, and transfer the tonearm and cart to it.
Many thanks. If my HRS S1 can accomodate the longer belt, the shorter one, IMHO, should be no problem. Have asked the dealer in Singapore for it. As and when it arrives will make the sonic comparisions in house and post results.