Why three motors?

Can someone enlighten me on the wisdom of having a three motor turntable like the TW Acustic with only ONE side of the belt touching the platter?

Here is an example.

I just don't get it...
With a rubberized O-Ring you could have more of an issue with motor vibration (and belt "boinging") being transmitted to he platter. This becomes minimized significantly whn you use a silk string, or tape to drive the platter. There is a noticeable improvement in PRAT and a much clearer sound over rubber.
Sorry - hit send too soon.

However I'm not certain that you would get adequate "gription" with either silk thread or taps in a 3 motor version. There's just not enough surface area on them for such a small contact area on the platter.
Sunnyboy, the footprint for TW short belt is 530 X 400mm. If from plint cones to motor, 500 X 400. You better double check your HRS first.
Mesael said:

*Before the TW I owned the one with ceramic magnetic bearing..... And what, TW sound way, way better,and I'm using the same tonearm, cart...*

Dear Mesael,

a) Could you clarify which 3 motor Clearaudio TT you have replaced with a TW?
b) Could you also share with us the tonearm and cartridge you have used in both?

Many thanks in advance
Dear Kostas,

What I have is CA Ambient with CMB bearing, and TW AC1, both have only one motor.

I'm using Moerch DP6 with CA Stradivari catridge. The switch of CA 33/45 malfunction, and have to send back to manufacturer. So I got TW, and transfer the tonearm and cart to it.