Graham Phantom II VS Vector 4 Tonearm

Has anybody compared these two great arms?
Ebm wrote:
"Graham sounds better Wonderful arm great build quality."

I've followed some of Ebm's more outrageous proclamations on AGon, but this one takes the giddy biscuit. Completely unhelpful, IMO. I would suggest seeking out in-person comparisons wherever possible, as I did. Both are fine arms. Your ears and tastes will make the decision easy.
Kipdent, a caution. While it might seem impolite to refuse Ebm's generous offer of some giddy biscuits, please consider your health before accepting. We wouldn't want to lose you.
I suggest you contact "Larryi" to get the name of his friend who has both the Vector 3 and a Graham Phantom mounted on his Basis 2500. That way you can get an informed opinion.

(Here is a link to the thread in which Larry states his friend prefers the Vector to the Phantom.)

Scan down for Larryi's second response

Good Luck in your search!
Giddy biscuits?

I didn't know Rush was in the snack food business.

Nothing wrong with diversification.

What's next, Plant food?