Try a different turntable?

Ever since getting into audio, I've owned a VPI turntable (HW19 upgraded with heavier platter, SAMA, JMW arm). It sounds good, without question. But I've been curious about other TTs that (folks say) come from a different design philosophy--Linn and Rega are often mentioned in this connection.

For the next two years, I am in the fortunate position of having two stereo systems; then I will retire and consolidate into one house and one system. I've set up my second system except for vinyl. What 'table/arm combos would folks recommend as an alternative to the VPI (at about the same price)? Ideally also it would be a tad smaller than the big VPIs since I have less space in the retirement home.

I listen to a little of everything, but like acoustic music (classical, folk, jazz) best, and am looking for a setup that will really connect with the music.

Thanks for suggestions!
Suspended BD table for me, just my preference as i have heard great sound from both suspended and non.

I haven't heard an idler wheel table in 35 yrs so cannot comment...
Get a Lenco! (I have one for sale, please don't consider this a pitch).
But, having an idler -wheel and your belt drive will bring hours of fun and revelation as to which you think is better. I am biased. I've seen Nottinghams, Linns, Avid, VPI, Teres, Regas on the auction block once a Lenco is brought into the mix.
The Lenco is a KILLER when it comes to stable, rhythmic, emotional vinyl playback.
The Lenco table alone will not get you "there". The table must be cleaned, lubed and adjusted. Then placed in a proper plinth.
The result is tremendous!
Beware. There are lots on non-believers.I understand, though. I doubt they've heard one.
Lenco, Garrard, direct drive (best of the Denon, Sony, Pioneer, Yamaha, Kenwood, Technics, etc). Try something REALLY different, and you won't go back to belt-drive. Life is short.
The Origin live table I set up was the Sovereign. I hear their tables all have very similar sound.