Try a different turntable?

Ever since getting into audio, I've owned a VPI turntable (HW19 upgraded with heavier platter, SAMA, JMW arm). It sounds good, without question. But I've been curious about other TTs that (folks say) come from a different design philosophy--Linn and Rega are often mentioned in this connection.

For the next two years, I am in the fortunate position of having two stereo systems; then I will retire and consolidate into one house and one system. I've set up my second system except for vinyl. What 'table/arm combos would folks recommend as an alternative to the VPI (at about the same price)? Ideally also it would be a tad smaller than the big VPIs since I have less space in the retirement home.

I listen to a little of everything, but like acoustic music (classical, folk, jazz) best, and am looking for a setup that will really connect with the music.

Thanks for suggestions!
Lenco, Garrard, direct drive (best of the Denon, Sony, Pioneer, Yamaha, Kenwood, Technics, etc). Try something REALLY different, and you won't go back to belt-drive. Life is short.
The Origin live table I set up was the Sovereign. I hear their tables all have very similar sound.
Well, first of all :
I know you like your VPI, you are satisfied, e.t.c

--------------[ GET RID OF IT WHILE YOU CAN ]---------------

Today not tommorow ! Because people are starting to recover from the Belt Drive illness & tommorow it will be late.

Get a new start with :
1). Heavily modified LENCO L75

2). Replinthed - restored GARRARD 401
3). Replinthed - restored THORENS TD 124 II

4). DENON DP 80 / SME 312 S


Yes ! Everything you've heard about IDLERS & DD is true !!!
I wish that I could trade my Symphonic Line RG 6, for a Jean Nantais LENCO REFERENCE ... But there are no any suckers around ... (and I don't have the time, the knowledge, or even the strength to start this project).

Best Regards & Good Luck
This is very interesting! I knew there had been a resurgence of interest in direct drive turntables -- and that's clear from the replies here. Lots to think about.

Thanks - David