Try a different turntable?

Ever since getting into audio, I've owned a VPI turntable (HW19 upgraded with heavier platter, SAMA, JMW arm). It sounds good, without question. But I've been curious about other TTs that (folks say) come from a different design philosophy--Linn and Rega are often mentioned in this connection.

For the next two years, I am in the fortunate position of having two stereo systems; then I will retire and consolidate into one house and one system. I've set up my second system except for vinyl. What 'table/arm combos would folks recommend as an alternative to the VPI (at about the same price)? Ideally also it would be a tad smaller than the big VPIs since I have less space in the retirement home.

I listen to a little of everything, but like acoustic music (classical, folk, jazz) best, and am looking for a setup that will really connect with the music.

Thanks for suggestions!
I'm not lying to you or anyone by saying I can hear the pitch change on my 24kg platter.
The stylus drag could never be costant. It depends by the level, the freq, & the whole activity that's in the LP groove at the moment.

No no no my friend, you doesn't miss your target !
Do you think that we all must follow your own findings ?
Or that this or any other forum is available only to those that are politicaly correct with the flock ?
Should I have any reason to affraid to express my own findings ?
OK, enough with this. It's not a dominance game between us or our findings, but I think anyone has the wright to speak out fearless even if it is in contrary to the flocks.
I think we have to be honest to our self & express our findings freely, otherwise what's the point of our post ?
Anyway, peace to you and your system.


Geoch: "DO NOT mention the F***ing LP12. It is the master of this disaster that we pay for all these years of blindness & manipulation."


Mickeyf, I apologize if I sounded a bit harsh. However, we can move on. I am well aware of the theoretical issues you bring up. That's why listening and forming one's own opinion based on actual observation is so important. Between the cogging at a higher rate and the disadvantages of the belt itself (stretching, creeping, slippage), some others would make an argument based on "theory" that the belt drive technology is also inherently flawed. All I and others are saying in response to your assertions is have a listen to one of these other types of tables. I know too many dyed in the wool audiophiles (other than me) who have ditched their high end belt-drive tables in favor of an idler or a direct-drive to be convinced by your hypothetical arguments.
Again geoch , there must be a comprehension issue, i never asked you to follow , i ask you to cut the condecension, not everyone is going to buy into the ID euphoria and there is nothing wrong if they dont.