Anyone used a USB microscope to align cartridge?

I am both short and long sighted and its getting harder for me to visually align stylus especially using the MintLP protractors which require a 10x LUPE to be done right. I have seen USB Microscope camera's on eBay etc and some of them go for about $30 while others can run to about $400. All of these USB mmicroscope camera's claim magnification from 10x-200x and beyond. Was wondering if anyone has tried using these to align cartridges and what models you would recommend. The cheaper ones seem too cheap to be true and the more expensive ones should be fine but these offer magnification from 50x or higher and I am thinking this is too high for the prupose of cartridge alignement. Any comments or inputs would be appreciated.
The thing I really like about the Graham arm is that you align the cartridge by mounting it in the arm tube, then putting the tube on its back and placing the alignment gauge over the cartridge. So you are looking DOWN at the stylus THROUGH the alignment gauge.It is like viewing a standard protractor from underneath. Despite my admitted defects of vision I was able to get an alignment that was checked first by my tech friend with a microscope and then by another friend who has a Fozgometer or whatever, that new fancy gadget. Both of them thought it was as close as practical; i.e., any further effort would probably make it worse. So if your eyes have seen better days and you are considering a new arm then this is a virtue of the Graham to remember. I am not connected to them except as a user.
Magnifying 100 times plus(microscopes) are good for looking at a stylus for wear.The more light you have on it,the easier it is to see,no matter what your vision is.The Fozgometer may give a headache in some cases as seen in this this thread. Link.[]
Did buy a XCsource USB microscope 800x 8 Led from an AD in Amazon , but up until now I 'm not fully satisfied by the result by examen the stylus .Is this the right USB by specs ? Or should I use one with more magnification .BTW after replace the battery in my FOZ by an external 230V AC to 9 V DC supply it works perfect.
Microscopes need lots of expertise resulting in limited reward. You need a MINT protractor (follow the directions may take a couple of often...check and recheck) and if you have a VPI arm or similar, you need a Fozgometer with its accompanying test record.. a scale for weighing,.a flashlight, and a 10x hand held glass. Its not hard to set up a cartridge, just tedious. That's why you should do it yourself...are willing to take the time and energy to do it right.
Although we are 5 yrs down the line I agree with Stanwal. ;^)
The Graham is the easiest method I've ever used and the most easily re-checked (i.e. by putting it back on the jig any change in position due to applying the stylus guard or loosening of cartridge screws is immediately apparent - as I discovered recently!)
The only advice I would give is to be careful with self-induced parallax errors.
The Graham method is very comfortable and easy on the eyeballs with minimal risk of damaging the cart during install.

On the subject of parallax errors I would also suggest that using a 400X or 800X magnifier on a cart is not as straightforward as the casual purchaser might think. Ideally, the cart would be attached to a machined platten with the microscope locked on to it and with the capability of adjusting it to an exact measuring position. Since you really want the stylus to be standing upright on the LP at the time of measurement such accuracy isn't even remotely possible without a variety of angular errors occurring. Eyeballing cartridge vs microscope orthogonality isn't a reference point I would personally rely on.
Just my opinion...