A head's up on AIVS Cleaning products.
I was informed personally by Jim Pendleton, president-owner of AIVS/Osage Audio three days ago, that most of his award winning cleaners have been recently improved again, and are currently on his shelves.
From some more lengthy lab research, he states that his Enzymatic Formula, Super Cleaner, Archivist Formula, and #6 One Step Cleaner have all been improved with another component added, and/or changed, making these products work much faster. And he said these changes were made with no additional detergents added.
He claims that some of these pre-mentioned products could at times, dependent on the condition of the record take 10 minutes or so to work, but now claims these new products have the same effectiveness in as little as 2 minutes.
One of him more recent breakthrough products in the AIVS cleaning system, #15 Pre-Cleaner, he says remains unchanged.
Any combination of AIVS products seem to work well, some use #15 Pre-Cleaner with a AIVS Pure Water Rinse, which must be used with this cleaning product.
Others, like myself are using a 3-step, and evem a 4-step process.
After using all his products I've mentioned here, I'm currently using a 4-step process on all my records with absolutely superb results, and those 4 steps are.... #15 Pre-Cleaner, Enzymatic Formula, Super Cleaner, and Pure Water Rinse.
I've never yet taken 30 minutes per side, even with the slightly older fomulas I've been using. The newer formulas should help save time. Mark
I was informed personally by Jim Pendleton, president-owner of AIVS/Osage Audio three days ago, that most of his award winning cleaners have been recently improved again, and are currently on his shelves.
From some more lengthy lab research, he states that his Enzymatic Formula, Super Cleaner, Archivist Formula, and #6 One Step Cleaner have all been improved with another component added, and/or changed, making these products work much faster. And he said these changes were made with no additional detergents added.
He claims that some of these pre-mentioned products could at times, dependent on the condition of the record take 10 minutes or so to work, but now claims these new products have the same effectiveness in as little as 2 minutes.
One of him more recent breakthrough products in the AIVS cleaning system, #15 Pre-Cleaner, he says remains unchanged.
Any combination of AIVS products seem to work well, some use #15 Pre-Cleaner with a AIVS Pure Water Rinse, which must be used with this cleaning product.
Others, like myself are using a 3-step, and evem a 4-step process.
After using all his products I've mentioned here, I'm currently using a 4-step process on all my records with absolutely superb results, and those 4 steps are.... #15 Pre-Cleaner, Enzymatic Formula, Super Cleaner, and Pure Water Rinse.
I've never yet taken 30 minutes per side, even with the slightly older fomulas I've been using. The newer formulas should help save time. Mark