How is LAMM LP2 compares to the more recent phono

I am now using all LAMM pre/power and my LAMM dealer offers pretty good deal on the LAMM LP2 phono deluxe version for me. I understand that 5-7 years ago, it is considered one of the top phono available but have not heard much about it recently and wonder how it might stand up to the more recent phono unit such as ARC Ref2, AMR, Audio Valve, Rhea Signature or Audia Flight etc.
I plan to audition LP2 but other units will be a bit difficult to find and I may not be able to audition them all unfortunately.
Thanks for your comment
Jtimothya, Of course I was not put off at all. I was just correcting the impression you left re the resistance seen by the cartridge thru a SUT hooked to the MM input. I know you are an experienced knowledgeable person, so I figured you just misspoke. But there are less experienced folks who read these threads who might have been misled. No offense was intended, and it is I who must apologize if you thought so.

As to the other remark, I don't know what the problem was with that. Thuchan and Syntax seem quite taken with the Lamm, is all I was saying. I doubt either is thinking much about cost.
Hello Suteetat,
the SUT's inside the LP2 are very good quality. Not colored in reproduction, matched, excellent channel separation. Before I got the LP2 I tried some well knows Sut's and had horrible results. I think, low quality and colored performance is common with a wide range of Sut's. the reason is very simple, really good Sut's (really good means measured performance datas) are expensive and based on that, they are rarely used.
Those in the LP2 are serious ones, very, very, very hard to find in "audiophile" preamps. Not the most expensive ones, but not the usual "low-performance-for-audiophile-pricing" parts.

The only SUT which didn't make me cry was the Kondo KSK SFz. Good specs, good datas but the pricing for these 2 tiny round things is special, too.
anyway, I asked Lamm to replace the stock SUT's with better ones (+ higher gain) and I told him what cartridges I use. He made the change, I listened to it, sold the Kondo SFz and it was done. It is a great design from brain, gets the best performance match with LL2 and is real in tone.
Lewm you are absolutley right. It is nothing to add. Suteetat I would rather go for the Western Electric, maybe two matched pairs.If money is a problem I would go for a used Kondo but Air Tight is one level below.
Syntax, would you mind telling me what SUT you had Lamm installed in your LP2? I assume that Kondo KSK SFz did not make you cry means that it was SUT that you actually like? (not including the internal SUT that Lamm replaced for you). Eventually I will need both inputs as I plan to have at least 2 arms so I will need to go with one external SUT for sure.

Thuchan, I located some matched pairs WE 417A. Once Lamm phono is thouroughly burned in, I will try WE tubes and see how that go.

Thanks for all your help.
Suteetat Don't take this personal but what do you expect to hear using 2 mediocre tables? one table your limited to only the vpi tone arm designed that many other designs far surpass in performance, then the table itself won't fit in this category of components.
Your other choice of table I had and I still can't get over the improvement of the arms and cartridges that I had on the ac. Sold the table kept the arms then installed on a better designed table,no other changes, wow what a difference.