Your favourite cartridge

Yes, yes, interactions with other components, synergy, antagonism etc. However, each cartridge has its own voice.
Just mention one.
Benz LP-S. It has been by far one of the best upgrades I have made to my system in a long time. Excellant tracking, wide soundstage and explosive dynamics when called for. The sound of cymbals, trumpets and drums are perfect. Voices are hauntingly realistic sounding with many "who is in the room with me" experiences.

I personally love the design benefits and sound of the Transfiguration line up.I've owned two versions of the Temper and also had the Orpheus.

The orpheus was my favorite,if I had to pick one cartridge....but...

I've owned many other superb designs from Koetsu to others,and I've heard superb results from additional mfgrs in "many" friends'

I really think this subject is a "moving target"!

Yup,we'd been asked for our favorite cartridge,but why not take it a bit further and consider that the particular system will impact this as well?

Anyway,cartridges are wondeful ways to flavor one's system(not necessarily "color" it,but influence it to a degree).....This is a golden age of this kind of transducer design....Many folks are lucky to have more than one.

Regards to all
I second the Transfigurations. I used to love Dynavectors until I heard the Orpheus. Along the same lines sound wise but oh so much more to my ears. A bit expensive for my pocket so I would up with a used Temper.

I own, and love the Orpheus L (also own and love a Lyra Titan). But, if cost is a consideration, you should look at the Transfiguration Phoenix. This is quite a lively and engaging cartridge (not as "dark" as a Temper).