Your favourite cartridge

Yes, yes, interactions with other components, synergy, antagonism etc. However, each cartridge has its own voice.
Just mention one.
I second the Transfigurations. I used to love Dynavectors until I heard the Orpheus. Along the same lines sound wise but oh so much more to my ears. A bit expensive for my pocket so I would up with a used Temper.

I own, and love the Orpheus L (also own and love a Lyra Titan). But, if cost is a consideration, you should look at the Transfiguration Phoenix. This is quite a lively and engaging cartridge (not as "dark" as a Temper).
Koetsu Urushi Vermilion, plenty of meat on the bones, snap dynamics, resolved soundstage, gorgeous textures in an organic color plalette. The best cartridge I have ever owned.
I would say Transfiguration Orpheus ranks very high. Too bad the damn thing is so expensive!