VPI Classic vs. Well Tempered Amadeus

Both of these turntables are priced very simular. Who out there has compared the two turntables? Which one did you like and why?

unfortunately I will not have the table until friday now due to fedex home delivery trying to drop it off in the morning instead of the usual evening time.
I suspect the Well Tempered stuff is so interesting to us is because of its unique implementation of its workings.
Yes, only a genius could look at a golf ball and think "tonearm".

(I hope WT fans realize I am only joshing. No offense intended.)
I roughed in the setup for the WTA tonight and in my opinion it is already sounding better than the VPI Classic. that's not a knock on the VPI either, I actually really like my VPI. bass is definitely better and I seem to hear things I never heard before with the VPI. some of the hardware aspects of the WTA are not as good as the VPI though. I'll fine tune the setup tomorrow and do a lot more listening.