Looking for a best TT without arm for under 10K.

Jumping back into analog and could use some advice. Tables in the running are Micro Seiki, Avid Acutus and ????? System is all tubes and I love to tinker. Cheers
Well it finally happened. I bought a Micro-Seiki RX-5000 and now the search for an arm continues. Thanks for all your help in this. The Audiogon community is a wonderful forum for all of us affected by the audio sickness. Good listening to all of you. Cheers
Excellent, excellent choice! You may want to take a look at members virtual systems and see which arms they use with their Micro Seiki.
Great choice of table. Congrats! Isochronism has a good idea. The wonderful thing about your new table is that there are lots of armboards available for them, and getting new ones machined for other arms not currently covered should not be difficult.
I enjoy long arms on my Micros and note that there are several decent Japanese long arms from the same period as your table.
Congrats on the TT acquisition. I just picked up a Clearaudio Innovation Wood with Graham Phantom arm and feel very fortunate -- speed stability of a DD with the heft of a very big platter belt drive TT, and in a beautifully presented package. Sounds fast, lively and full.
Hey Dube, saw your message on another thread about a Garrard. send me a message on ebay under id adhesiv and let's talk more offline.