What are your favorite phono cartridges?

Just curious, what are your favorite cartridges that you now use, or have used in the past? Do you prefer moving coil or moving magnet, or some other design? Here lately I have been collecting older moving coils and have been nicely surprised! My favorite right now is the GAS Sleeping Beauty and the Shelter 501 II.
Benz LP-S...it is so different from my LP that they should have given it a completely new name.
I currently own

Dynavector 20xl (I believe this has the micro-ridge stylus)
Benz L2 Wood
Benz Ace L

Of these, my favorite is the AT33. Smooth, neutral, liquid midrange, and an excellent tracker.
Dynavector XV1's with Soundsmith re-tip
Ortofon A90

Both mounted on Graham Phantom II.
AT 440MLA for under $150 new...amazing cartridge that I love deeply and often.