Is there a problem with my Lyra Delos cartridge?

Last March I upgraded from a Grado Platinum to a Lyra Delos cartridge which was installed by Analogique in Manhattan.My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 with an Audioquest PT-6 tonearm.After about 120 hours of use I have been getting distortion on certain lps.For example:Last night I wanted to hear Moment's Notice from Coltrane's Blue Train lp(180 gram).This is the second track on side one.So I drop the needle on track two and sound starts distorting at about the 7 minute mark(track is 9:09 minutes),I lift up the needle then lower it onto the lp again and it plays fine.This is not happening on every lp but it is happening quite often.I am tracking at 1.8 which is the Lyra recommendation.I switched phonostages but that does not seem to be the problem.I also put on a new belt but problem persists. Help!!!
Hi Montgomery. If there is a problem with your Delos, we will be happy to check it and correct any problem that exists.

Experience tells me that the problem is likely not with the cartridge. If the Delos does have a problem, it would almost certainly be a stretched suspension. You will be able to tell if this happens by the fact that the belly of the cartridge will ride closer and closer to the LP surface, which can be temporarily cured by reducing the tracking force. But once this happens, it is a one-way street - the suspension will not revert to normal by the simple act of lifting off the cartridge and lowering it again on the LP. And this is why I doubt if the problem is with the Delos.

You may want to look over the tonearm for areas that have sticky or uneven action. I would in particular investigate the anti-skating mechanism, the counterweight, height of the armlift bar, and also if the headshell leads are possibly touching the LP surface. I would also check the levelness of your platter and tonearm with a machinist's level, to make sure that gravitational effects are not acting as an unintended skating/anti-skating mechanism. Sometimes the tonearm output lead can also hamper rotational movement, although this doesn't normally affect tonearms that use the JIS-standard 5-pin cable socket (which I believe describes the PT-6)

If you and/or your dealer can check your tonearm and turntable and give them a completely clean bill of health, feel free to send your cartridge back to us for a check-up.

BTW, please don't contact Immedia for this or any other Lyra-related service issue - Audioquest is our official US distributor, and they have given us their word that they will coordinate servicing for all Lyra cartridges, including those originally sold through Immedia.

hth, jonathan carr
Dear Montgomery: Other what all posted here and especialy J.Carr I want to add this:

today several a lot LPs came with " problems " due toa " poor " quality control and certainly there are many that shows tracking distortions when playback. Things are that many times happen what you are experienced, I mean: one time you have that distortion and the second time you have not: why could be in this way?, through my experiences on cartridge tracking habilities and due to some factors around many times the cartridge can track a " special " groove and suddenly next time does not make it with the same " hability ", tiny/microscopic dust is one of those factors about but there are other ones.

Of course that exist the posibility that could be a cartridge failure but as J.Carr pointed out that posibility is remote one.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Jonathan.Thanks for your response.When I ordered the Lyra I was worried that the Audioquest tonearm would be the weak link.I am thinking about upgrading to the VPI Classic One with the JMW 10.5I tonearm.I guess I could return the Lyra to the online dealer I purchased it from and have them install it on the VPI and they could test it to make sure everything is working properly. I am really impressed with the Delos and having it mounted on a better tonearm would help to maximize performace.Thanks again.
Just a thought - does this happen with only 180g or other weights too? Do you adjust VTA for thicker discs?

You mentioned that you're on the upper limit of VTF for the Delos. Sometimes we can exceed that if VTA is unfavourable? I've certainly exceeded the max on some carts by up to 0.1g (I know a lot of people go even higher than this on some carts) and always wondered if sustained use at heavier forces can distort the suspension permanently, especially in warmer climate, or the User can just cheerfully regress back to lighter VTF after 200 hrs or so...(?)
Thanks for your response Moonglum.The distortion has occurred on a variety of lps.I have to make a decision on taking this to Analogique for service or upgrading to the VPI Classic One and the much better JMW tonearm.Thanks again.