Classic 3 and Zephyr

I installed a Soundsmith Zephyr on a Classic 3 using the supplied jig and I was surprised how far back the cartridge had to be set back in the shell head. It's so far back the connecting wires seem tight. Being the Zephyr had the input from VPI I'm surprised by this. Does anyone with this same setup concerned that the cart sits so far back on the shell head?
I've figured it out (I think). The issue is the distance from the cart's mounting holes to its stylus tip. I just held another cartridge up next to the Zephyr and it's obvious that this distance (in the other cart) is less than it is on the Zephyr. So, to compensate, the Zephyr has to be moved back in the slot.
If you increase the bearing to spindle distance by a millimeter or two, this will allow you to shift your cartridge forward in the head shell and still hit the cross hair dot on the vpi jig.
Mike is going to make me a wand a few mm shorter. I have a Clearaudio Maestro that is being re-tipped at Soundsmith now. That will be the perfect solution as I'll be able to keep both carts attached for an easy swap. Thanks again for all the responses.
Nice, you gotta love how VPI will go the extra mile for their customers. VPI's biggest problem now is keeping up with demand.