Multi Arm Table

I have a Basis Debut but it can only accomodate 1 arm. I change wands on my Graham Phantom for mono play but the loading is also differant so I have to change the phono Preamp input. I want this to be easier so.
I want to set the new table up for my mono cartridge and a cartridge/arm combination to play 45's. I do not want to spend the money I paid for my Basis setup.
I am thinking Clearaudio Innovation Wood Compact and would like some other suggetions.
BTW I will be keeping the Basis.
You have three options:

1- buy a new deck that can accommodate multiple arms. $$$
2- build or rebuild a deck that can accommodate multiple tonearms. Start with a Thorens TD-124 or Garrard 301 and... $$-$$$
3- buy a vintage deck that can accommodate multiple tonearms. I am particularly fond of the Luxman PD-444, but there are several others. $-$$
Your first (aka cheapest) option is to looks at the 'arm pod' thread. I had the same problem with my Kuzma Stabi Reference and solved the problem by ordering an arm pod/ tonearm combo by the Red ( But you may prefer
some of the ideas from the mentioned thread and build your
own or order one by a manufacturer. The best option among
arm pods is the 'universal kind' with replaceable above plate such that you can use different tonearms. However because of the distance to the spindle you will probable
need 12'' tonearms.

The Basis Debut is an excellent turntable, better than some of the alternatives proposed above. The Basis has very precise lockable arm boards that are easy to change over. Why dont you use additional arm boards - you should be able to set up a range of arms with easy changeover.
Manitunc, Thanks for the info I am looking into the table.

Buconero117, I agree.

Stanwal, I want a 2 arm table does the 2001 have 2 arm setup?

Jmcgrogan2, I once had a MicroSeiki BL-91 it was a great table but feel newer tables remove energy and vibration better.

Br3098 & 4musica44107, very interesting table but I am going for option 1.

Nandric, I never thought of that and am looking into it the only issue is the arm as the Basis has a very large foot print.

Dover,I have the clear version that does not have the arm board. I had thought of the black for that reason but went with clear so here I am again looking at tables.

THanks for all your help so far.