Upgrade Help: CDP or DAC

I currently running Marantz 5004 CDP, (speakers) System Audio Mantra 10, (Amp) Exposure Super XV.

The current weak link is the CDP. I am looking for a less bright sound. A sound warm/liquid and open with a good sound stage. I willing to for go extreme resolution and bass slam.

I wanted to spend $700.00 used. I was wondering if I should use the Marantz as a transport and buy the best DAC I can or should I just sink the money into a used CDP.

I did find the Marantz very bright the addition of some good interconnect smoothed it out but still just a little to bright for me.

Thanks for any thoughts
I think the answers here will be to buy a DAC and use the Marantz as the transport..that's what I would do. (For $700 you would not make a significant upgrade with a new CDP).

Try looking thru the archives for opinions on a new DAC; the forum is full of DAC threads. For a tube DAC at a good price take a look at the Jolida.

I like my parasound z dac quite a bit. It sells for $500. I've compared it back to back with a cambridge audio dac magic, a musical fidelity v-dac ii with pangea p-100 power supply, and a musical fidelity m1 dac and the parasound is waaay better. Very organic (not digital at all), wide wide soundstage, and great bass. I think you would like it. Try it from audio advisor and return it if it doesn't work out :-)
Thanks for both of your Input.

If I use my CDP as transport will the DAC really be able to calm down the edge and bright leaning marantz.