Upgrade Help: CDP or DAC

I currently running Marantz 5004 CDP, (speakers) System Audio Mantra 10, (Amp) Exposure Super XV.

The current weak link is the CDP. I am looking for a less bright sound. A sound warm/liquid and open with a good sound stage. I willing to for go extreme resolution and bass slam.

I wanted to spend $700.00 used. I was wondering if I should use the Marantz as a transport and buy the best DAC I can or should I just sink the money into a used CDP.

I did find the Marantz very bright the addition of some good interconnect smoothed it out but still just a little to bright for me.

Thanks for any thoughts
Thanks for both of your Input.

If I use my CDP as transport will the DAC really be able to calm down the edge and bright leaning marantz.
The DAC has a lot of potentential, in that regard. There are many different designs around. The old thinking that a tubed component in the chain can take the edge off is still widely held and their are many tubed DACs to choose from.
I think you might be happier with a softer, sweeter CDP from manufacturers such as Rega or Cambridge. There are others but I just can't think of them at the moment.
As suggested a search on the topic will likely yield a ton of old threads.
I think you will really be better off with a tubed DAC if your goal is to reduce listener fatigue caused by harsh upper mids and highs. But be careful. Unit selection and tube selection is very important to achieve this. Out of the box a tube unit can sound just as bright and fatiguing as a SS one. The essential difference is that you can change a tubed DAC's sound by simply changing the tube(s).

A recommendation - find a used California Audio Alpha or Sigma DAC and play with it and your Marantz. Be prepared to change tubes a bit. I have used both - the Sigma is cheaper and for all pratical purposes just as good as the Alpha. It only has one tube too. I presently have one set up with a Cal Delta transport in my Headphone system. I found that it sounds best with a JJ 12AX7 (an inexpensive new production tube). Compared to my Marantz SA11S3 this is warmer in tone and certainly not fatiguing at all. You could probably find the Sigma for sale on A-Gon, if you are patient, for $200, and better yet you could probably get it with a matching Delta transport for less than $500. And if you don't like it it should be easy to resell. They are still popular.
On a side note, you should also research cables in the archives. You'll need a Toslink (optical) cable from CDP to DAC input.
Try not to let all the different opinions in the threads drive you crazy. You don't need to spend big bucks for a decent cable.
Definitely go for a DAC, and if you're looking for a warmer, more musical sound, then I'd suggest you try the Rega DAC, which you can find used for $700 or less. I have tried a number of DACs and I find the Rega is one of the most non-fatiguing around.