Upgrade Help: CDP or DAC

I currently running Marantz 5004 CDP, (speakers) System Audio Mantra 10, (Amp) Exposure Super XV.

The current weak link is the CDP. I am looking for a less bright sound. A sound warm/liquid and open with a good sound stage. I willing to for go extreme resolution and bass slam.

I wanted to spend $700.00 used. I was wondering if I should use the Marantz as a transport and buy the best DAC I can or should I just sink the money into a used CDP.

I did find the Marantz very bright the addition of some good interconnect smoothed it out but still just a little to bright for me.

Thanks for any thoughts
I would move as others have stated to a new DAC. If your system is on the bright side two DACS in your price range come to mind. For a great tube DAC in your price range a used Havana is very warm and musical sounding and can be fine tuned with different tubes. For SS I would look at a Metrum Octave which is not as warm as the Havana but will give you more detail and is still on the warm side of the dacs I have tried . Metrum was selling these out factory direct for about what you want to spend but they may be gone by now and might be hard to find on the used market. The Havana’s come up from time to time and IMO are a great value. Good luck and keep us posted on what you end up with and how you like it.


Thank You all for the input. It seems most everyone thinks I need to keep my CDP and move forward with used DAC. That is the route I will research.

I don't think my system is overly bright, My speakers are very netural and my amp is said to be somewhat bright with the wrong speakers (which I don't think is the problem). I am pretty sure its from the CDP. When I use a very cheap record player no edge or touch of brightness. The cd player was really bright but some interconnects helped out and just a little edge and brightness or a more un natural feeling is still there.

I want to eventually spring for tubes. Thinking Rouge Audio Cronus Mag. or Used Audio Research gear. I wanted to go American. If I shell out the money I want to ensure it can be serviced.

Would a Tube DAC going through a Tube amp be to much? Should I get a solid state since my amp will be tubes in the future?

Darkstar, seriously, check out the parasound z dac. You can get one from audio advisor and you don't like it, send it back. I've compared mine to a couple other entry level dacs and it just flat out smokes them. You can get one brand new for $500. If it breaks, you can get it fixed or replaced under warranty; you can't say the same with a used dac. Read the reviews on this dac. Check out the one in hometheatrereview.com
I reccomend the Z dac also. Consider using a DIP from Monarchy Audio $150 new. it goes between the transport and DAC It kills Jitter and re-clocks the timing elements in the signal before it hits the DAC. In addition you can then use a BAL XLR digital cable to the DAC (xlr is recommended for digital)research it a little .you will be amazed at the results!

Matt M
FWIW, my second system that's at my beach house is a Cronus Magnum and I am now running my Havana with it and it sounds really good!