Upgrade Help: CDP or DAC

I currently running Marantz 5004 CDP, (speakers) System Audio Mantra 10, (Amp) Exposure Super XV.

The current weak link is the CDP. I am looking for a less bright sound. A sound warm/liquid and open with a good sound stage. I willing to for go extreme resolution and bass slam.

I wanted to spend $700.00 used. I was wondering if I should use the Marantz as a transport and buy the best DAC I can or should I just sink the money into a used CDP.

I did find the Marantz very bright the addition of some good interconnect smoothed it out but still just a little to bright for me.

Thanks for any thoughts

Thank You all for the input. It seems most everyone thinks I need to keep my CDP and move forward with used DAC. That is the route I will research.

I don't think my system is overly bright, My speakers are very netural and my amp is said to be somewhat bright with the wrong speakers (which I don't think is the problem). I am pretty sure its from the CDP. When I use a very cheap record player no edge or touch of brightness. The cd player was really bright but some interconnects helped out and just a little edge and brightness or a more un natural feeling is still there.

I want to eventually spring for tubes. Thinking Rouge Audio Cronus Mag. or Used Audio Research gear. I wanted to go American. If I shell out the money I want to ensure it can be serviced.

Would a Tube DAC going through a Tube amp be to much? Should I get a solid state since my amp will be tubes in the future?

Darkstar, seriously, check out the parasound z dac. You can get one from audio advisor and you don't like it, send it back. I've compared mine to a couple other entry level dacs and it just flat out smokes them. You can get one brand new for $500. If it breaks, you can get it fixed or replaced under warranty; you can't say the same with a used dac. Read the reviews on this dac. Check out the one in hometheatrereview.com
I reccomend the Z dac also. Consider using a DIP from Monarchy Audio $150 new. it goes between the transport and DAC It kills Jitter and re-clocks the timing elements in the signal before it hits the DAC. In addition you can then use a BAL XLR digital cable to the DAC (xlr is recommended for digital)research it a little .you will be amazed at the results!

Matt M
FWIW, my second system that's at my beach house is a Cronus Magnum and I am now running my Havana with it and it sounds really good!
Looking at the reviews and advice I thinking the Havana might be the way to go. Do theses come up here on gon. Or do I need to purchase one new?