Digital microscope recommendations

I'm at a point where I am concerned about the wear and tear on my Lyra Delos, and would like to check its condition through a microscope. Does anyone have a brand/model they can recommend at a reasonable price? Also, what am I looking for? Is any possible damage so obvious it doesn't need an explanation?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for that URL, Pbnaudio. It partially answers one burning question: how much magnification is "enough" for examination and photographing of styli. One set of photos on the page specify 80X, to get a pretty good side view of a stylus. In another set they used 200X to get a very close up view of the working surface of the stylus tip. This tells me that anything more is superfluous. Does anyone disagree?


Have you used the digital microscope to peer down into the record grooves yet? Let us know what you see in the groones. It would be interesting to hear what you see if you did a before and after cleaning view of the record grooves.
The Supereyes B008 scope was suggested by Mike of Continuum in a thread on another site. It is 500X with led illumination. I bought one from a HK vendor for $80. It will arrive sometime next week.

This scope comes with MB Ruler, which you can also get for free on the net. Mike uses it to measure SRA as part of the mounting process, or so it was said in the thread I read. Of course, I am sure listening is the final step.

Many of the stands for these scopes are cheaply made and too flimsey. Dino makes a good one for $43. The scope I bought was without stand but I already have one.

Looking forward to examining my carts and mount!
This microscope looks very promising and it costs a fraction of what a comparable Dino-Lite would cost. Please share your experience once you've used it. Thanks!