Turntable recommendation

I am getting back t analog after being out of it for 20 years. What would be a good turntable recommendation if I want to buy used and spend $1800 to $2500? The default choice seems like the VPI Classic but reviews of that table indicate its midrange may be "dry" compared to other units. My system right now with Magico V3s is nicely balanced but leans toward the transparent side, and I would not want to exacerbate that--but neither do I want overly warm. Would like to spend $1000 or less on a cartridge, and thinking initially a Denon DLS1 if it mates well with the table. Phono preamp will be Sim LP5.3. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
agree on the clearaudio for $2k with cartridge (new, easy to setup, sounds great). you can get it with the cartridge installed.
+1 on the Amadeus or Simplex recommendation.

I also heartily endorse the Rock 7 which someone else mentioned, but that is $3200 without the arm, so a bit outside of your budget. I have only seen one Rock 7 for sale used, and I bought it (and it replaced the excellent Amadeus).
Yes, the Project 10.1 is not even close to the Classic/Basis that you were considering. Rock 7 is an excellent alternative to the Classic. You should get good discounts on anything bought new in todays environment but check demo gear if offered carefully before purchase.
Simon Yorke's "Zarathustra S4" or the "Denon DP80" and you will never look for an upgrade. Do not overpay for an arm. It is the most fetish material in this hobby and in my case I've routinely substituting for the better till I've met my holly grail (Pluto 9A Prestige).
I have lived with a S4 with the Pluto. Setting up the pluto is a pain, because the geometry is (how shall I put it gracefully?) "elusive". Respectfully, I suggest you try another arm. Morch, for example, or Yorke's own. Or any cheapo uni-pivot, like Clearaudio's something.
I tried S Yorke's own "7" arm, and it is immeasurably, amazingly, poetically, easier to use and frankly, a better performer.
Not as nice looking, however!
I got back into vinyl with an old Thorens liked vinyl so much that I quickly upgraded to a VPI Classic one and love the table. Don't know where you heard the comment about dry sounding mid range; ridiculous. VPI is a great company with great support. I would recommend a VPI either a Scout or a Classic.