The thing is that I will be visiting my son who is studying at the University of Toronto next Easter week.

My interests when visiting a new city -apart from blues and rock music shows- are:

1.- Contemporary architecture;

2.- Discovering places and neighborhoods not mentioned on tourist guides;

3.- One day trip to towns around the main city;

4.- Local "cuisine" as there´s an Spanish cuisine. Not meaning "hi-end cuisine" a la Ferrán Adriá. This trend seems to me like 70s progressive music -how to get the more complicated pentatonic scale-. Let´s keep it simple;

5.- Eating on the cheap. I mean affordable prices. Not breaking the bank;

6.- Drinking undiscovered beers and/or unexpected wines

7.- Bookstores (if they still exists); CD stores -if they still exist- and why not -the vice strikes again- audio stores -if they still exist-;

I´m open to your suggestions.

Thank you all.

Go up to the top of that big tall thing. (You can't miss it.). It even has some nice solid glass floors, in case you don't like heights. Other than that, just walk around and you should find something to do. The people are really nice. You can just walk up to them and ask them questions, and they'll actually answer you. (I'm from NY.)
Hi Daniel – was born and raised in T.O. but don’t live in the city proper anymore so can’t really recommend anything - u can try this link.

things to do

Tried to get my daughter to go to U of T. She ended up at Western in London, Ont.

Marakanetz – Maple Leaf fans have developed a thick hockey skin as they have had to. A Montreal Canadiens joke is what do the Canadiens have that the Leafs don’t have.

"Stanley Cup Championship Team Photos in color"

Last Championship Year was 1967 for the Leafs – I was 5.
This years team is showing a little promise in the short season. They have had no reason to improve as they continue to make money.
You have to go to Sotto Sotto. I mean if you like Italian. Fabulous food. Small and quaint. Very famous with photos all over the place with every Star you could imagine taken right there. Rock Stars and Holly Wood alike. Prices will blow you away. No different from anywhere else.

116A Avenue RD.
Bixi bike rentals: Ride all around U of T and hit a couple of museums. You can even ride through China Town. The other place I love is Kensington Market. Buy anything-cheap. My favorite restaurant is Grilled Cheese in Kensington Market.
Coincident speakers are produced about 20km northeast of town. Email Israel Blume about a tour? I think his audiogon name is "Beanie".