Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable - Stereophile Review

For all owners, there is a good review in this month's stereophile - table reviewed with the Telos arm and with a Kuzma 4Point. Framer gives the nod to his Caliburn but a close call.
In MF's original review of the Onedof, in which he compared it one on one to the Caliburn, I was rather taken aback by some of the "features" of the Onedof. Apparently the whole turntable is based on a novel idea for a platter bearing, and that part of the tt works well. But some of the other aspects of the turntable, e.g., the platter design and build, were not so impressive as the bearing, IMO. It's got the LOOKS of a very expensive turntable, but I did not get the feeling that the maker has been studying turntable design for a long time or that he had other novel ideas besides the one that gave rise to the bearing. In summary, why is the Onedof in this "top 3" at all? Perhaps only because of its audacious asking price. Among tt's of similar conception (separate "pods"), is the Onedof any better than a TOTL Simon Yorke or a Da Vinci or a Transrotor or you name it?
"Welcome back Thuchan,
I have missed you......and I really miss seeing your wonderful collection of vintage and modern audio equipment on your Systems Page.
Any chance of it returning?
Do you have any new great discoveries"?

Me too.
Nice to read your post again.
Thanks a lot Halcro and Audpulse. I was not really away but rather busy, also establishing a small blog ( www.Audio16.com ) regarding walking on some paths in audio I wanted to follow on together with my friend in Paris. I will never forget the fantastic exchanges with you and the other analogue afficiniados on this site. On the other hand I could not develop my Systems Page on Audiogon anymore. I had discussions with the technical people over three months.

I see not so many has changed, Raul is still the captain of MM, all Germans in analogue belong to one group of... and we are still a very sensitive group regarding novelties. Maybe the rules on Audiogon have changed a bit, I don't know who is in charge running the 'let it go' or 'delete'? Hopefully tolerance will return.

When I am now investing in a new TT I am more carefully checking the pros and cons beforehand. In the past I owned some tables I got interested in quickly, like the Goldmund, the Kelch Reference II, the Garrard 501 etc. All this tables had something I liked very much and it was a lot of fun and pleasure testing them in my own chain. I sold all. Don't get me wrong, these are good tables but did not fullfill all of my requirements. You need selling otherwise you run out of space and missing the chance of testing new contenders. This week I said goodbuy to my Naka, it will find a fine home in NY. Now what is next?

Honestly saying no TT of the ones mentioned in this thread draws my real exitement. I am not driven by price only! And maybe some TTs, like the Onedof deserves to stay as one unit at least. I think it is crazy calling for 150.000 bucks for such a design. And we are crazy somehow being pushed into this direction nearly only because of the price tag. I was wondering why Mike Fremer did a test of the Onedof. The Continuums offer much more technology and musicality than most people think. They need to be installed properly, they never were on shows. From my point of view the company missed to bring a smaller version in the 20.000 Dollar region. This is were some people can and will buy, me too. I exchanged many ideas with Halcro on this company topic as he was engaged for a while.

Small progress is progress, too. Who is interested may have a look at my blog which also offers some insight into vintage designs, very rare ones - by my friend. and maybe there will be another big table - some day...

Only Fun
Thuchan, Congratulations on your blog. It is quite nice and has some great information. Thank you for the link.
Thank you Peter, I like the two sides of modern and vintage topics most. It may also show that people with (slightly) different preferences are able to exchange ideas rather than to fight the church style way.

best & fun only