has anyone had any problems w/ Jasmine phono LP2.0

One of either channels stops working.
I have already returned the unit back to China twice
They have replaced the unit and now it's gone down for the third time. I contacted a local tech in NYC and was advised
it probably would not be worth having the unit repaired.
Has anyone else had this problem? Can anyone recommend a tech
here in the states preferably in the New York area
Redglove, I assume that designers listen to different capacitors before they decide which to use. Then I also assume that capacitors of such small value are not so
expensive such that saving on them is an issue. It would be strange if the amateurs like we are can improve whatever design by changing two capacitors. But I know
that 'believing' is a strong feeling.
Nikola, You can pay several hundred USD per piece for REL or VCap teflons, not to mention Deuland caps. Or, you can pay a few bucks or less each for the same value caps. So I think you would admit that price is an object when a manufacturer selects coupling caps for production purposes. Oh, they like to make us think they carefully selected brand X after arduous listening tests, but I think the considerations are as much economic as anything else. The story goes that you have to mark up your product by about 5X the cost of building it, in order to make money in audio. This means that a $50 capacitor, one on each channel, raises your retail price by $500.
Nandric, You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink it.

For those interested in reviews of various capacitors and their sonic characteristics, try Humble Hifi Capacitor Tests. Below is the link.

Dear Lew, that's a bit thick. Redglobe mentioned $25 for
two while the manufacturers pay much less . Besides the
technical guys speak about 'capacitors mythology'. I
hope some of them will shine in.
Now this may be called 'Lew's paradox': in this contribution you suggest some correlation between the price and the quality of a component while elwehre you
deny such a correlation ( Eppo, Magic diamond ,etc).
Hello I received my jasmine from China broken. sent it back got a replacement plus the silver ambilical for free to cover my shipping and hassle the new one has worked perfectly with very good results.
Now I am considering changing out the coupling caps.
This debate kinda sounds like years back when some folks said all amps sound alike its just a matter of how much THD is in the amp.
well we most all now believe different amps sound different why? parts maybe? hello? what is an SE version of the same amp? better parts. thats why it cost more and sounds a little better
just spend some time on the web reading all the cap comparisons, and even on the jasmine threads here on Agon to realize coupling caps make a difference.

I could go on but i think I have made my point.