European Vibraplane?

I was trying to find an EU analog of the Vibraplane and came across Iso-Plate from Thor Labs:

The specs look a bit worse then Vibraplane 2210 (resonant freq. is said to be at 3.5max vs 2.5Hz). The pricing, esp. without the breadboard is aceptable. I'm wondering if anyone has tried it?

Actusreus an active Vibraplane sells for $2500 (not including the compressor) and a passive Vibraplane sells for $2250.
Bydlo (btw, I feel funny writing this word as I grew up in Poland),
The BT-2024 is slightly less than $2000. I admit I don't know much about customs duties in Poland these days as it's been years since I sent anything there. However, I wonder if there is a provision for "gifts" just like there is a tax exemption for gifts in general. Might be worth to look into it. But from what you've described, it's indeed a robbery what they are doing. No wonder these platforms are so much more expensive over there.

Btw, Newport does not list the prices for these platforms on their website. You have to go through a sales rep to get a quote.


Thank you for the price info. I might be on the market for a Vibraplane soon (those damn flimsy apartments in So Cal are driving me nuts!) so it's good to know who to talk to. Just need to convince my better half I absolutely need it...Going to be tough!

Actusreus, "gift" marked on the customs declaration=be 100% sure of custom thieves attention! The customs practices are the same in all of EU.
Actusreus, trust me, you NEED a Vibraplane for the source, and perhaps one (or two) for your amps. They are one of the best investments I ever made in audio, and Steve at SOS is an excellent dealer with whom to work. They are wonderful products.